Clinic 119
Your favorite dentistry
Professional help in dental treatment
Individual approach
Modern equipment
Treatment without pain
Sterility and safety
Quality materials
Doctors of the highest category
Individual approach to everyone
Modern equipment
Treatment without pain
Doctors of the highest category
Quality materials
Sterility and safety
Professional help in dental treatment
Шановні пацієнти!
Звертаємо Вашу увагу, що вартість послуг може змінюватись. Будь ласка, уточнюйте актуальну інформацію у адміністраторів філій.
Дякуємо за розуміння!
Dotsenko Daria
Yagodka Bogdan
Smakhtina Ilona
Dentist-therapist, paediatrician
Vovk Angelina
Periodontist, periodontist
Clinic 119 - comfortable and effective
Healthy teeth are the key to overall body health. Regular visits to the dentist, professional cleaning and treatment of dental diseases will help maintain oral health and prevent serious problems in the future. Timely qualified treatment will save you not only nerves, but also money.
We invite you to our cozy dental clinic
Make your visit to the dentist a pleasant experience